The astrology of this new moon reminds me of a masquerade party where it is difficult to determine who is who and we all might get a big shock when the masks come off!
Scorpio, the sign the new moon is in, is known for keeping secrets and hiding things. This isn’t necessarily done for sinister reasons, but often for protection. Scorpio is one of the most sensitive signs of the zodiac and if it feels threatened it will either retreat or react by lashing out.
Uranus and Mercury are opposite of each other, implying that any secrets that are hidden will come to light. There is a water trine between Mars, Neptune and Mercury which can lead to communications becoming tainted by emotions which then interfere with the ability for discernment and sound judgement.
Pluto, the ruler of Scorpio, is in an exact opposition to Mars which indicates that whatever is coming will bring with it some major stings.
Saturn is supporting the new moon and will be the voice of reason by calling for all the masks to come off so that the truth can be revealed.
Emotions are running high and there are a lot of stingers out. The very best use of this energy is to take time to retreat. Scorpio energy is great for research, reflection, regeneration and for taking a pause.
You can hear all about it here, https://youtu.be/_ME1ZohLwI4